02 Aug Baby Boomers and Pool Remodels
More and more Baby Boomers are deciding to stay in their homes as they enter retirement.
Having a home pool can help seniors stay active longer, help them recover quicker from surgery, and live a more active lifestyle. It also improves heart health, increases flexibility and makes muscles stronger. (1)
As the Baby Boomer generation is near or at retirement, their housing needs should be reassessed. If seniors have a pool but it is hard for them to access it, a pool remodel might be the best option for them. Added bonus: a possible tax credit.
“Last month the Senior Accessible Housing Act (aka HR 5254) was introduced to the House, with the aim of creating a tax credit for people aged 60-plus who spend up to $30,000 to remodel their homes. The list of approved modifications would include doorway widening and installation of non-slip floors and entrance/exit ramps, and it also would allow for other features approved by the IRS.
“Anything that would encourage retrofits to existing baby boomer pools and spas is something APSP is in strong support of,” said Jennifer Hatfield, government affairs director for the Association of Pool & Spa Professionals. “Making it easier to get in the water will encourage use of the backyard pool or spa, hopefully providing a healthy activity for that senior.” (2)
If you’re choosing to stay in your home throughout retirement and would like complimentary consultation on a pool and paver remodel, please contact our Apex Pool team today.
*It is recommended to contact your accountant to verify what pool and exterior upgrades are acceptable tax credit prior to our consultation.