Pool Safety Tips for Your Pets | Apex Pavers & Pools

Pool Safety for Pets

Apex Pavers and Pools, pet safety by pool

Pool Safety for Pets

Your pet’s safety should be a priority around your pool and deck. Lyon Financial lists ways to keep the area safe for your furry friends!

-An estimated 5,000 family pets drown each year in backyard swimming pools
-Make sure your dog can swim! Most can but some breeds of dogs may have a harder time
-Watch and limit activity in the pool. Look for signs of fatigue like their rear-end sinking too low in the water
-Look at your pet’s expression – if swimming is getting difficult their eyes become wide and frantic
-Look for signs of dehydration and limit activity between 10am – 4pm
-Make sure your pet knows how to exit the pool. Show them the stairs and watch them get themselves out without assistance
-Review and/or update your pool security for your pet (fence, pool guard alarm, etc)
-Know pet CPR so you can perform if needed

Apex Pavers & Pools would love to know how you keep your pets safe! Contact us today with your solution for a chance to be featured on our Facebook page!